Sunday, April 8, 2018

You and Me

Tonight as the thunder-storm rattles the windows
And the raindrops splash against the glass-windows,
I can almost hear you whispering sweet-nothings into my ear.

Tonight as the thunder-storm makes the tree leaves swish
And the raindrops descend upon the parched earth,
I can almost smell your distinct male scent.
Tonight as the rain-clouds veil the moon
And the raindrops draw a curtain around me,
I can almost taste your nicotine-burnt lips in my tongue.
Because in nights like this,
You and I come dangerously closer.
Because everything comes in pairs in universe.
Pleasure and Pain.
Sun and Rain.
You and Me.
For without 'You', there won't have been any 'Me'.
Without you, none of my struggles would exist.
Without you, none of my depressions would exist.
'You' and 'Me' co-exist in two different worlds,
Light-years apart.
Nights like this bring you closer to me
From a world that exists beyond the curtain of rain.
And write our very own love-story.
For every love, there exists a story.
Even for the unrequited ones, too.


This post has been published at Women's Web. Click here to read.

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